Dave's CD Icon
Dave Cushman's G8MZY logo
Dave Cushman's G8MZY small logo

Live CD version
Dave's CD Icon

Pictures Of Aircraft or Model Aircraft That Are Not Globe Swifts

Pictures from others, some of them Globe Swift owners, also including photographs taken by my father Albert, when he was in the RAF.

This picture, of course is not a Globe Swift, but this Kolb Twinstar belongs to a beekeeping friend of mine, John Robb and was originally placed on the Swift pictures page.   John Robb's Kolb Twinstar G-BUZT
This Blackburn Shark was Snapped by my father, sometime during WWII. The airmen depicted are unknown.   Blackburn Shark

Steve Roth has another aeroplane, a 1935 Fairchild Model 22 NC14768.

Fairchild Model 22 NC14768

Printed from Dave Cushman's website Live CD version

 Written... 20 December 2007,
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