Galtee Bee Breeding Group |
This is a very 'go ahead' group breeding high quality Apis mellifera mellifera strains of bees. Their dedication and rapid progress make them a model for other bee breeding groups to consider following. Education of beekeepers is high on their priority list and to this end they put on lectures, study groups and workshops. GBBG members feature prominently in the lectures and workshops presented each year at the Gormanston Summer School.
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This is the way they describe themselves:- "THE GALTEE BEE BREEDING GROUP IS AIMING AT THE STUDY, CONSERVATION, AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE NATIVE STRAINS OF Apis mellifera mellifera" A very worthwhile sentiment! Please study their methods and pass your conclusions to other beekeepers so that more groups can be formed with similar aims. |
I am prepared to provide links to any group that has the same principle ideas.
I am a member of this group myself, They put a great deal of effort into improving their beekeeping knowledge, they have a study group that meets regularly, this is led by an outstanding team of ladies and gentlemen. They have a mating apiary and conduct instrumental insemination in a purpose equipped wooden building. They hold lectures, workshops and meetings in members' apiaries, many of which have a social content as well as a beekeeping one.
Written... May 2000, Revised... 01 May 2002, Upgraded... 28 November 2004, Further Upgraded... 14 August 2007,