Chemical Treatments
Wax Moth Treatment
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PDB Crystals
Para Dichloro Benzene used in Wax Moth Control


It is no longer acceptable to use PDB to protect combs against wax moth. Current scientific opinion is that its use is injurious to health. PDB is both wax and water soluble, then released into honey when stored in combs. In the U.K., no trace of PDB is permitted in honey. There will be many books, leaflets, articles, etc in circulation for some years to come. Beekeepers are strongly advised to avoid the use of PDB.

General note on chemicals: I do not endorse or advise on chemical treatments, as I am not qualified to do so and there may be dangers beyond my control. New products may be introduced or existing ones withdrawn, so it is difficult to keep up with current information on a website such as this. As many of the chemical pages were generated by Dave Cushman, I am leaving the content mainly as left by Dave for historical purposes only, which may mean information is out of date and unreliable. The user should seek guidance from other sources and satisfy themselves regarding safety and legality. Roger Patterson.

Chemical Name... Paradichlorobenzene
Molecular Formula... C6 H4 Cl2
Molecular Weight... 147.00
Other Names... PDCB, P - Dichlorobenzene
Paradichlorobenzene Molecule

If supers must be stored in a warm room or cellar or stored during the Summer and Autumn months, they can be protected by using Paradichlorobenzene (PDB) crystals. These crystals are placed on a small piece of paper between every fourth or fifth super in a stack, which should then be sealed using parcel tape.

The treatment must be repeated by replenishing the crystals at regular intervals as PDB kills adults and immature wax moths, but not eggs.

The presence of crystals within the stack repels any visiting moths and inhibits egg laying, and also kills young larvae that may hatch after the combs are placed in storage.

Supers should be aired before using them on colonies. See label or package for details on using PDB.

There is a variation of this treatment whereby newspaper is spread over every super and a few crystals of PDB sprinkled on each layer. A further variation is to place the crystals in a stationary envelope and pin the open envelope inside a super using a drawing pin (thumb tack) through the flap.

Moth balls and some crystals are made from naphthalene, which is not the same as Paradichlorobenzene (PDB) crystals and is not recommended for wax moth control.

Originally written by Dave Cushman. Edited and additions by Roger Patterson.

Page created pre-2011

Page updated 14/12/2022