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Postal Transmission of Honey Bee Eggs

Postal Transmission of Honey Bee Eggs to enable the raising of queens or drones from genetic resources that are geograpically remote from the breeding apiary.

Honey bee eggs can be sent through the post by normal mail. Albert Knight sent some to Arthur Johnson on the Isle of Wight some years ago.

One of the problems with introducing bee eggs into another colony is that they are often eaten, especially if the colony is queen-right. These losses are most likely from the fact of them being strange eggs from a colony with different racial characteristics, than any effects of transport through the post.

Arthur Johnson put the eggs he received into an incubator to get them up to hive temperature first, then placed them in a queenless nucleus, this was successful.

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 Originated... August 2000, Revised... 03 July 2003, Upgraded... 05 September 2006,
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