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Side Elevation of the CDB Bee Hive


Side Elevation of the CDB Bee Hive

This drawing retains the flavour and style of the original whilst at the same time modernising the presentation. It uses Imperial dimensions in deference to the original design.

The diagram represents a considerable investment in time, but it is hoped that it is appealing to the eye as well as being informative.

The stand is sturdy and has a wide alighting board, this may be considered wider than really needed, but there is a useful secondary reason to its broad reach in front of the entrance. Any grass that grows from under the stand is deflected so that a convenient gap is available for the bees to negotiate landing with a full stomach.

The porch may seem at first sight to be a romantic notion 'dressing up' the body box to please human judgments on appearance, but it has a major function under rainy and windy conditions such as prevail in it's intended domain.

The ability to reverse the lift for wintering, both shortens the hive so that it offers less wind resistance and provides additional protection to the body box so that the chamber with the cluster in it is kept dry.

The overhanging gabled ends of the roof may catch violent air currents and allow the roof to be blown off, but the use of lead sheeting as shown on the previous page will increase the weight of the roof.