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David A. Cushman logo
Integrated Varroa Management 4, Guide Tables

The document within the white panel is reproduced with permission, it follows the original, with minor editorial alterations due to web presentation.

The names of the various organisations keep changing, so I have decided only to update when necessary. I will try to keep the buttons up to date. R.P.

Facsimile of CSL Logo

National Bee Unit
South West Region

Integrated Varroa Management 4, Guide Tables.

The table below has been drawn up using data from the graphs in the CSL handout 'Treatment Thresholds'. It gives a simplified plan of what to do when you have estimated daily mite mortality. It can be adapted to suit your own needs.

The best method of deciding what action to take is calculating the mite population in the colony and using the treatment threshold graph.

Seasonal Action.

TimingAverage Natural Mite Mortality per Day
 Jan. to March.  Less than 2 
 No Action
 Between 2 and 7 
 Plan Control for Coming Season
 Over 7 
 Consider Control
 April to June.  Less than 1 
 No Action
 Between 1 and 7 
 Light Control 
 Over 7 
 Severe Risk
 July & August.  Less than 2 
 No Action 
 Between 2 and 8 
 Light Control 
 Over 8 
 Severe Risk
 September to December  Less than 6 
 No Action 
 Between 6 and 8 
 Light Control 
 Over 8 
 Severe Risk

If you are assessing mite populations using the 'Quick Guide' in the 'Measurement of Varroa Mite Populations'  handout, i.e. making a quick assessment by forking out drone pupae, then handy tables can be made up like the one below. It must be pointed out that this is a rough guide only and is dependant upon drone brood being present. It may be helpful if routine drone brood removal is practised as the pupae can be easily examined for infestation.

These tables are drawn up based on an assumption that the brood nest contains 20,000 occupied brood cells, of which 5% are drone.

Drone Brood Tables.

Table 1.Number of Infested Drone Pupae
 Up to June.  Less than 1 in 60 
 No Action
 Between 1 in 60 & 1 in 25 
 Plan Control for Coming Season
 Over 1 in 25 
 Consider Control 
 June & July.  Less than 1 in 30 
 No Action
 Between 1 in 30 & 1 in 15 
 Light Control
 Over 1 in 15 
 Severe Risk
 August.  Less than 1 in 20 
 No Action
 Between 1 in 20 & 1 in 10 
 Light Control
 Over 1 in 10 
 Severe Risk

Table 2.Proportion of infested drone pupae
 Up to June. Less than 2 % 
 No Action
 Between 2% and 4% 
 Plan Control for Coming Season
 Over 4% 
 Consider Control 
 June & July. Less than 3% 
 No Action
 Between 3% and 7% 
 Light Control
 Over 7% 
 Severe Risk
 August. Less than 5% 
 No Action
 Between 5% and 10% 
 Light Control
 Over 10 % 
 Severe Risk

These two tables are a rough guide only.

As the least rough guide, 15% of drone brood infested indicates a colony that may collapse.

The tables are based on a 'worst case scenario'.