David A. Cushman logo IINGRIDD Logo (originated by Ron Hoskins)  


BIIG (formerly IINGRIDD) and it's website are no longer in existence. This page will be retained for historical purposes only. Names and contact details have been retained, but it is not advisable to contact them unless you know they are still with us.

Instrumental INsemination GRoup Information Dissemination Day

Saturday 9th September 2000,
BBKA H.Q. at the National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh Park,
near Kenilworth, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV8 2LZ.
9.30am to 5pm.
PROGRAMME: "Drone Handling and Semen Collection"
by Redmond Williams of Black Galtee Bee fame.

Redmond says that drone semen collection is the most difficult aspect of practical I.I. Therefore, we are starting EARLIER THAN OTHER YEARS to allow everyone to have a go. Redmond will bring his, teaching microscope and a number of queens (which will be destroyed afterwards). WE NEED AS MANY DRONES AS POSSIBLE, SO PLEASE PLEASE BRING SOME. The best way to transport drones is in a small mini-nuke, with at least workers and brood, queenless is best, and as many drones as can be put inside.

The programme is very fluid; we will get in all the points in the programme above, but the insemination must begin early, at the start. Redmond says we shall need all day for that. IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN INSEMINATION EQUIPMENT, please bring it along for display & discussion. We shall be working in groups of 4 or 5, so those not at the teaching microscope with Redmond, will need to be occupied.

THEREFORE, WE NEED WILLING PEOPLE TO DO SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS. these can be moveable, like a carousel and cover any aspect of beekeeping; SOME SUGGESTIONS ARE: queen rearing. ways of calming bees; feeding bees; making nuclei; getting your queen mated, and so on endlessly. The choice is yours, but we must have little groups for reasons stated. Have you tried II? How did it go? what are your problems? Have you answers for someone else's problems? FINANCING THE DAY. As you see from the accounts, we have £250.00 in hand from the two previous years. The policy has been not to return fees for non-attendance (one person did not come last year) because of the need to build up group funds somewhat for other more lengthy practical periods in the future.

THE DAY IS GOING AHEAD; Mary has booked Redmond's air fare following discussions with him earlier this week. The venue is booked. B&B is being arranged for him locally. The finance required is: Air fare: £154.00 fully flexible economy return ticket. Postage, (includes estimated £5.00 for registering tickets to him, photo-copying and telephone -£25.00 room hire at Stoneleigh £25.00: demonstration fee £70.00. B&B £50.00; transport to and from Kenilworth to Birmingham airport £25.00 Grand total = £349.00. This leaves a deficit of £100.00. based on average of 30 people, = £3.50 each, which can be collected on the day.

The fee for those that did not participate last year will be £13.50. Numbers are limited... First come... First served

All bookings and enquiries to Mary

Mary Dartnall can be contacted at home:- telephone 023 80775445
2 Harlyn Road, Millbrook, Southampton. SO164NF.

 Written... Summer 2000, Revised... 11 October 2001, Revised... 21 January 2003, Upgraded... 16 April 2006, Revised 30-11-11,