Jul 30 2002
Jul 2002
Feb 2002
Sep 2001
Jul 2001
Aug 2000
  David A. Cushman logo IINGRIDD Logo (originated by Ron Hoskins)  


BIIG (formerly IINGRIDD) and it's website are no longer in existence. This page will be retained for historical purposes only. Names and contact details have been retained, but it is not advisable to contact them unless you know they are still with us.

Instrumental INsemination GRoup Information Dissemination Day

At the meeting of 16th August 2003 The group formerly known as IINGRIDD was re-named...
The Instrumental Insemination Group,
However this change only reflects the more formal nature of the group's organization. The aims of the group remain the same.

This page and it's linked documents will remain as it is, as an archive, with a new set of pages continuing under the new name.

The group has been further re-named... The Bee Instrumental Insemination Group (BIIG).

The group fliers will appear down the left hand side of this page as copies of the historical documents come to light. All future correspondence will also be 'archived' [new link required]. The Newsletters can be accessed via the button at top left.

This has been a loosely formed group for several years... Mary Dartnall did the original publicity by mail and in the BBKA newsletter.

I went to my first meeting in August/September 1999 and it struck me that there was no communication pipeline or forum for II in the UK.

During the Summer of 2000 Mary sent out a letter advertising the meeting of September 9th of that year... It occurred to me that this information should reach a wider audience and so I contacted Mary and agreed to put the "advert" on my web site.

Ironically I was unable to attend this meeting (my wife fell down the stairs) and so it was not until I received Ron Hoskins's flier and questionnaire (about the September 2001 meeting) that I realised that the internet was the appropriate medium to keep inseminators informed.

At the meeting of 1st September 2001 it was agreed that IINGRIDD should become more formal and distribute some sort of newsletter. A meeting was set up and occurred in 2002, which elected a committee.

In thinking about this, I had the idea that II should be more widely discussed and so, on 5th September 2001, I set up the [II-List] Email group, which is open to all. It does have several members who are also IINGRIDD members and I hope to cajole and encourage other II people to join us.

At the meeting held on the 6th July 2002 it was agreed that I would produce a newsletter for the group, that was web based, but printed copies would be posted by snail mail to those that are not yet on the web.

Material for inclusion in a newsletter has proved difficult to obtain, please... If you have anything that is relevant to II, let me know and I will include it (or post it on the web).

These addresses may be used for correspondence... Or Email me at the bottom of the page.

Ron Hoskins
10 Larksfield
Wiltshire, SN3 5AD
Tel: 01793-525364
Email: ron@honeybee1.org.uk
Mary Dartnall
2 Harlyn Road
Southampton SO16 4NF
Tel: 023 8077 5445
John Pollard
14 Eastfield Gardens
Kent TN10 4NB
Tel: 01372 36130

Since the page was archived, Ron Hoskins is no longer involved with the group and John Pollard has died.

 Written... 11 October 2001, Revised... 26 February 2002, Revised... 15 & 31 July 2002, Revised... 21 January 2003, Revised... 01 July 2003, Revised... 07 September 2003, Upgraded... 20 September 2004, Further Upgraded... 20 April 2006, Revision... 29 August 2008, Revised 30-11-11,