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Instrumental Insemination
of Honey Bee Queens

This is a useful technique for producing positively known crosses of honey bee strains using artificial insemination - producing specific crosses of known parentage.
It is not a substitute or bypass route for normal selection and breeding techniques, but it is a useful additional tool in many respects.

Much work is being done:-

By small groups that are springing up in many places. The work does not have universal appeal among beekeepers, but the gadget oriented tend to migrate towards this topic.

By those of us bee breeders that are frustrated by the mongrelisation of British bee stocks, are also attracted (this is my motivation).

In Ireland, by GBBG "Galtee Bee Breeding Group".

At a recently formed, and well equipped workshop at Brooksby Bee Yard by L&RBKA Leicestershire & Rutland Beekeeping Association".

BIBBA, Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders Association... Who also run a number of courses and workshops.

By Sue Cobey, . Who has produced a very informative video and runs courses in USA.

By Vladimir Vesely at the Bee Institute, Dol in the Czech Republic.

By Prof. Peter Schley who has designed many equipment items.

By John Pollard, (Who was an ace II equipment designer/maker while he was alive.) John developed and produced top quality 'bits & pieces' on a shoe string. (Alas he is no longer with us, which has slowed down our progress, but I expect to propagate some of his ideas in future.)

By John Atkinson. He has written a useful book... Background to Bee Breeding.

By II-List a discussion group on the web for II matters.

 Written... Winter 2001, Revised... 09 Oct 2001, Revised... 01 Sept 2002, Favicon... 18 February 2003, New Domain... 15 August 2004, Upgraded... 22 May 2007,
Source Code last updated...
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