David A. Cushman logo IINGRIDD Logo (originated by Ron Hoskins)  


BIIG (formerly IINGRIDD) and it's website are no longer in existence. This page will be retained for historical purposes only. Names and contact details have been retained, but it is not advisable to contact them unless you know they are still with us.

Instrumental INsemination GRoup Information Dissemination Day


Information Dissemination Day, Saturday 1st September 2001
N.A.C. Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire.

Hello All... (written by Ron Hoskins)

A very successful meeting for the nineteen participants who were able to attend. This is the only known group meeting in this country with a specific interest in furthering knowledge on Instrumental Insemination. To that end, during the discussions in the early part of the meeting, it was agreed by the above number that the group should consider becoming more formal, though no action was taken to create a formal committee at this meeting, but to wait until the next meeting when hopefully, greater numbers will get involved and cause the decision making to be more democratic. However, it was agreed that anyone wishing to join the group should pay an annual fee of £5.00 to cover administration and correspondence costs and to build a cash reserve to enable more 'ambitious' meetings in the future. Initially there should also be a 'function fee' to cover the cost of individual functions without eating into the cash reserve. The cost per head of this meeting was £3.50, which also put £13.50 into the reserve fund. This was due to latecomers after the individual cost had already been agreed.

Fifty letters or e-mails had been sent out for yesterdays meeting. Nineteen attended though more had acknowledged and said they wished to attend if they could make it. Sorry you could not all make it. Of those that answered the questionnaire saying they were unable to attend this year, all said they will attend next year. The next meeting of our group will be held on 6th July 2002, and not in September as in the past. This will enable practical work to be carried out easier, drones and queens being more readily available, but more to the point it will allow participants to go away and practice, on their own drones and queens, what they have seen without having to wait many months for the next season. Hopefully the change of date will not clash with too many planned holidays. The venue will be the same, BBKA Headquarters. See you there?

I have agreed to temporarily carry on with the correspondence until a proper secretary is elected, unless someone wishes to take on the job sooner? I have also agreed, under the same terms, to write an occasional newsletter always providing that I am fed the information needed to form a newsletter! I will use e-mail wherever possible to correspond, so forward your e-mail address if I haven't got it already.

The meeting also agreed that the list of people known to be interested in I.I. should be circulated, only to those people, to enable contacts to be set up to establish group effort or assistance to further the cause of I.I. For instance, in Wiltshire we now have three individual groups formed with regular exchanges of information between those groups. Not every member of these groups are 'with us', but seven or eight are.

Please make notes in your diary for 2002:

Saturday 27th April Stoneleigh Convention.
At 9.45am in the BBKA HQ will be Belgium's Jos Hillen doing 'A.I. in Practice'
(You'll have to get there early for that one, the room will be packed for sure.
At 1.30 - 3.00 our own Michael Collier will be conducting 'I.I. for Beginners'.
At 3.15 - 4.15 it will be Jos Hillen again, this time with 'Queen Rearing - the quickest way to improve your bees'.

Our year will commence on January 1st 2002. Please participate by joining and sending (Ron) a cheque for £5.00, (a receipt will be sent). Also send your telephone number and e-mail address,

Thanks, Ron Hoskins

 Posted... 09 September 2001, NavUpgrade... 21 January 2003, Further Upgraded... 16 April 2006, Revised 30-11-11,