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Brood Chamber for British Standard National Bee Hive

3rd Angle Also known as a brood box, this is the box that the bees raise their young in. It is called a brood chamber or brood box for this reason. It is properly known as the 'British Standard Deep Box'.

It is also called a 'deep' or 'deep box' and confusingly it can be known as a 'deep super' if it is used for honey gathering.

Use for raising brood is most prevalent. However in USA it is common for all boxes to be 'deeps' for interchangeability. In UK we adopt shallow boxes for honey and deep ones for brood to avoid breeding occurring in frames that are to be extracted from.

   National Brood Box, 3 views

Cutting of parts (all dimensions are in mm). (When drawings of parts are available, the table rows will become live links.) The Grain should run along the longest dimension of any part.

2460 22518PineSides
246044 25PineFront and back top rails (rebated)
2460 4425PineBottom rails (splayed and rebated)
2424 20118PineFront and back panels

Pine is quoted in the above table, but cedar is often used and gives the advantage of light weight as well as increased durability.

Note... The front and back are set 9 mm up from the baseline.

This cross sectional view may make assembly, of store bought kits, a little more easy.

The top and bottom rails are identical to those used for making supers and 14" x 12" 'extra deep' brood boxes.

  cross section of National brood box

The 'Standard' calls for bottom bee space, but some in UK have adopted top bee space. Such top bee space items are dealt with on the "Rational" group of pages.

Scale = 1 pixel per 2 mm

Originated... 17 May 2002, Upgraded... 04 December 2005,
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