Dave's CD Icon David A. Cushman logo, linked to Biographical Details
Live CD version
Dave's CD Icon

Links to other Websites (subindex of Shooting category)

Links to pages within this site and others on WWW. There is no particular significance in the inclusion or omission of any websites here... The content has merely grown in a haphazard manner.

There are a couple of links to the biographies of two very different men, Mikhail Kalashnikov and Gerald Bull. I had hoped to include some information about the AK-47 and AK-74 weapons, but as there are some 20 million entries on www for just the AK-47, I guess a search engine can do a far better job than I. The Kalashnikov link is intermittent, just keep trying and you will get it in the end.

Facsimile of Paddlesdown logo  

Paddlesdown Shooting Surplus
Paddlesdown Ltd, 3 The Annums, Bowes, Barnard Castle
County Durham, DL12 9LP   Tel: 01833 628167
Email enquiries

(Click on the logo for their website)

Printed from Dave Cushman's website Live CD version

 Written... May 2001, Revised... 08 July 2001, Revised... 19 December 2002, New Domain... 13 February 2004, Upgraded... 15 August 2004, Further Upgraded... 01 January 2007, CSS Revamp & Additions... 20 September 2007,
Source Code last updated...
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