Dave Cushman... 50 St. Peter's Street
Syston, Leicester, LE7 1HJ
Phone 0116 260 2527 Email dave@dave-cushman.net
Dear Sirs, Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow Pétanquers
I am your current Vice Chairman and I write this message on behalf of the committee because
there has been a delay in notifying you of the venue for the forthcoming AGM, for which I
apologise. Owing to the delay we have moved the date to the 18th March to allow enough time
for you to sort yourselves out.
Contrary to the rumours and misinformation that has been propagated, the 1990
Pétanque League is still in existence and will start it's fixture list on Wednesday
the 7th May. We are in need of some new recruits on the committee to replace those that
have already explained their wish to resign (at the last AGM). If you feel that you or
someone that you know are the person to fill such a job please make yourself known to me
prior to the AGM (Email preferred).
The Venue for the 2003 Annual General Meeting is:-
Mountsorrel Working Men's Club
Starting time 8:00 pm
Completed registration forms, cheques or cash will be required on the night!
A form for registration of up to four teams is provided with this letter (extra forms will
be available on the night)
Please note... Fee is £36.00.
When completing your registration form please note:-
Rule 4
d) The Captains of a team shall be deemed the contact for that team and
shall furnish the league with his/her address (including postcode and
telephone number). If this is impracticable then the captain may
delegate another person from their team, with their permission, to be
the contact.
e) The name, address and telephone number of the proprietor of the
establishment from which a team play may not be utilised as the team
contact, unless he/she is a regular member of that team, and is
prepared to be the contact for that team only.
f) The name, address and telephone number of the establishment from
which a team plays shall be supplied to the league for use as an
'emergency' or 'last minute' contact only.
All completed forms should be returned to myself complete with the registration fees to the
address at the top of this page, by the 17th March 2003 or handed in at the AGM.
The "Captain's Evening" will be Tuesday 22nd April, It is likely to be at The
Queen Victoria In Syston, but this is yet to be confirmed. (Please send a team
representative if the captain is unable to attend.)
For those that won trophies last season, they will be available for collection at the AGM or
the Captains Evening.
Minutes of 2002 AGM (Tuesday 5th March)
I cannot find any trace of the minutes of the last AGM. However, I have a copy of the agenda
with the Secretary's notes on it and due to the cock-ups on the night it was reasonably
memorable. I will describe it from the perspective of my own memory. If anyone has any
different recollections... Please bring them to the meeting.
The meeting had a very late start. There were two reasons for this... We had booked the
Railway at Mountsorrel for our AGM, but on turning up on the night, it was not available.
At very short notice the Working men's club at Mountsorrel came to our rescue and allowed
us to use their concert room after the 'aerobics' group had finished. There was a second
delay due to the late arrival of our Treasurer, for which he apologised.
The meeting itself
Apologies... (none recorded) (I do not have a record of numbers attending)
Minutes of 2001 AGM... These were read and accepted.
Treasurer's Report... (I cannot remember any details)
Chairman's Report... Ted was in the Cayman Islands and a Email from him was read out by
Election of Officers...
Ted Robertson was returned as Chairman (in his absence), I myself continued as Vice
Chairman, Judith Hooper had her arm twisted to do one more year as Secretary, Ted Walledge
agreed to continue as Treasurer, Spike Hughes took on the responsibility of Fixtures
Secretary on the understanding that it was his last year in office. The post of
Competitions Organiser was vacant and there was considerable discussion about who might be
willing to take this on. Eventually this post was taken on by Damon Miller and Mick Pearce
working together.
Entry fees for the 2003 season... Were discussed and raised from £30.00
to £36.00 per team.
Lease on the Carington Piste... This was agreed to be cancelled.
Continuation of presentation night... Was discussed and agreed to be held with reduced
entrance fee and no singer.
AOB... Captain's Evening was agreed for 16th April, with a committee meeting arranged for
the 9th April.
Apologies for absence, (Count of attendees.)
Minutes of 2002 AGM, (Discussion, confirmation, acceptance.)
Treasurer's report,
Chairman's report, (If Ted is fit and available... See Note below.)
Election of Officers, (I intend to relinquish my post as Vice Chairman to enable me to take
on the Secretary's duties for at least one season to ensure continuity. Our Treasurer and
Competitions secretary have indicated that they are willing to stand again, but we need a
new Fixtures secretary... This post requires that computer equipment is available. I hope
that we can twist Ted's arm into remaining as President or Chairman, but we could do with
an understudy or Vice Chairman to help Ted out and learn the ropes.)
Constitution, organisation and rules, (I know this bit is boring, but I would like to return
to some of the rules that we had at the start of the 1990 League, particularly with regard
to penalties for late result reporting. I have not fully formulated my ideas as yet, but I
would seek permission at this AGM to try some amendments out during next season, including
the reporting of results by Email attachment of scanned images of result cards and the
possibility of team 'buying' the recording of a late result by paying a penalty. I would
also like to frame a set of rules governing the running of the league by it's committee...
Too much needs to be done to bring anything before the 2003 AGM, but I would expect to have
completed this work in time for discussion and ratification at the 2004 AGM. (This would
avoid the current cock-up happening again.)
Internet Presence, (I run a large website on the internet...
this is mainly about beekeeping, but part of it is devoted to
http://www.dave-cushman.net/pet/petanquehome.html this includes information about
the 1990 Pétanque League... I am interested in gathering together any documents or
anecdotes that are pertinent to the League so that ultimately I will be able to compile a
complete history of the 1990 Pétanque League. If you have any documents from any
time within our history please allow me to put them on the web.)
A discussion on whether or not we should run a presentation dance or not may well be
appropriate after our hurried cancellation last year. If it is to continue... Where should
it be held? and what format should it take? If it not to continue... How are the trophies
to be collected?
1) Any member or team wishing to have an item on the AGM agenda must submit it in writing to
the league secretary no later than 8 weeks before the date of the AGM. All such items to be
circulated to team secretaries a minimum of 4 weeks before the AGM
2) Any team not having a representative at the AGM will be omitted from the league.
Any other Business,
A note about Ted's health... Ted has been rather ill for some time and at the time that I am
writing this he cannot be certain that he will be able to attend the meeting, (his daughter
is trying to get him to convalesce in the Cayman Islands, but the doctors will not certify
him fit to fly at the moment). I hope you will all join me in wishing him a speedy recovery.
A note about my health... I am not as old as Ted, but in the past I have had a great many
medical problems, which contribute to a lack of fitness and feeble strength. I will commit
myself to at least another year of committee work, but sometime soon I will need to be
replaced. I would be prepared to sit alongside and coach someone for a season if that would
help anybody to make up their mind.
I apologise for any errors or omissions in this document, (it has been put together in a
hurried fashion). The layout may be a little unusual, but it has been written in hand coded
HTML which is more appropriate when viewed on a computer screen.
I remain, yours most sincerely
Dave Cushman