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"Le Cochonnet"
Chairman's Report, 1997 AGM
Invitation to 2003 AGM
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2006 and 2006 Dance
Invitation to 1997 AGM
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The 1990 Pétanque League

1990 Pétanque League It's formation & ideals

If anyone knows of any inaccuracies in this text I would be obliged to receive corrections. Whilst I have been a member of the committee of the 1990 Pétanque League I speak here as a private individual and not as a spokesman for the league.

If anyone has any records, details, names and dates etc. I would be grateful to receive them for inclusion here.
Any items that I am unsure about will show in this GREEN text.

Dissatisfaction of various members of LPA...
When the Melton & District League was originally formed we had only six teams, the initial few years play was amicable and enjoyable. After this initial good start the rules and conditions became more petty and pedantically applied. Some of us felt this was not why we wished to play the game.

Attempts to rectify the situation by democratic means...
Many such attempts were made by a handful of members, but no inroads were made into the almost regimental regime of what had become the Leicestershire Pétanque Association.

Preliminary discussions by dissatisfied players...
Over many years several small independent groups of people were discussing this issue amongst themselves, but were unaware of the other groups and their opinions.

Chance discussions and preliminary meetings...
At a match during 1989 a chance comment by one of the players caused me to realise that there were others of similar opinion to myself. This ally also knew of another dissenter and arranged for me to meet him. This particular contact also knew of Ted Robertson and his dissatisfaction with the status quo. A few hours later Ted rang me and we had a conversation lasting about an hour and a half.

Preliminary meeting held to establish wider opinion...
As a result of much canvassing on Ted's behalf a meeting was convened at the Three Crowns (Barrow). There were about 40 attendees. We arranged a further meeting for 14 days later and I left the meeting with a mandate to design a league structure and a draft set of rules.

Preliminary meeting,
rules discussion, league name discussion...

This meeting was chaired by myself by mutual consent.
The draft rules were discussed and amended as required. A number of league names were suggested, but they mostly contained words like "breakaway" that whilst true in one sense would lead to polarisation rather than harmony.
The 1990 title was my suggestion (a motorcycle club, that I had been a member of, was called the 41 club after the year of it's inception). The slogan "The Friendly League" was added by Ted Robertson to indicate our stance on enjoyment rather than a "straight jacket" of rules.

Foundation meeting,
agreement of rules, election of officers...

As I had chaired the previous meeting, I did so for this discussion.
The re-hashed rules were read out and agreed. We elected Ted Robertson as Chairman and Ricky Angel as Fixture Secretary, but no one would take on the job of Secretary/Treasurer... I was not prepared to let the new league falter after so much had been achieved... So I, reluctantly, took this post.

1990 season...
We had nine teams to start with, but one dropped out before the end of the season. We did not hold a presentation dance at the end of this first season although Ted managed to find some trophies for the winners. Ted was Chairman, I was Secretary/Treasurer and Ricky Angel was Fixture Secretary.

1991 season...
The membership leapt to 16 teams and required that we formed two divisions. The first presentation dance was held. (Due entirely to the efforts of Ted Robertson... I was sceptical of its ability to succeed... How wrong have I been proven!) Ted was Chairman, I was Secretary/Treasurer and Peter Featherstone was Fixture Secretary.

1992 season...
The number of teams stayed the same as some did not renew and others joined in their place. Ted was Chairman, I was Secretary/Treasurer and Peter Featherstone remained as Fixture Secretary.

1993 season...
Ted was Chairman, I was Secretary/Treasurer and also acted as Fixture Secretary and was presented with a pewter tankard for "services rendered".

1994 season...
Ted was Chairman, I was Secretary/Treasurer and Allan Pakes became Fixture Secretary.

1995 season...
At the AGM I resigned as Secretary and Treasurer (my health was not good and my business was failing). Richard Wicks took the post as secretary/Treasurer, as ever... Ted was Chairman with Allan Pakes as Fixture Secretary.

1996 season...
Ted was Chairman, Richard Wicks was Secretary/Treasurer and Allan Pakes was Fixture Secretary.

1997 season...
The AGM was on Tuesday 18th March the invitation to attend this meeting was circulated to all teams as in previous years. The chairman's report was given, indicating that we are probably now the largest as well as the most friendly league in the UK. Ted was Chairman, Richard Wicks was Secretary/Treasurer and Allan Pakes was Fixture Secretary.

1998 season...
Ted was Chairman, Richard Wicks was Secretary/Treasurer and Spike Hughes became Fixture Secretary.

1999 season...
Ted was Chairman, Richard Wicks was Secretary/Treasurer and Spike Hughes was Fixture Secretary. Special meeting... New Rules.

2000 season...
Ted was Chairman, I was elected to the new position of Vice Chairman, Judith Hooper became Secretary and Ted Walledge became Treasurer with Spike Hughes as Fixture Secretary.

The Presentation Dance was held on 18th November... A welcome return to our original format. Richard Wicks was presented with a tankard in recognition of his service.

2001 season...
Ted was Chairman, myself Vice Chairman, Judith Hooper Secretary, Ted Walledge Treasurer and Spike Hughes as Fixture Secretary.

Some new rules incorporating a "Premier" Division with promotion and relegation between "A" Division and the "Premier" Division. The Presentation Dance was held on 23rd November, attendance was lower than had been on previous occasions.

2002 season...
Ted was Chairman, myself Vice Chairman, Judith Hooper Secretary, Ted Walledge Treasurer and Spike Hughes as Fixture Secretary and Damon Miller took on the job of Competitions Organiser. Although the season went well it was disappointing that we had to cancel the Presentation Night owing to insufficient numbers (future link to Ted's letter).

2003 season...
Some sweeping changes here... Ted Robertson having been ill for some time was press ganged into becoming 'President' in order that he might keep some involvement with the league. I became Secretary and Sylvia Payne filled my original position as Vice Chairman. The Job of Competitions Organiser stayed in the charge of Damon Miller and Jeremy Downie agreed to become Fixtures/Results Secretary. Nobody could be found or cajoled into becoming Chairman and so that post was left vacant. It was agreed that a chairman for any given meeting would be elected from those present at the meeting. We did not hold a dance in this year as we could not canvas enough support in the way of advance tickets, so in order to stave off the possible financial loss, it was ditched.

2004 season...
My role as caretaker being largely finished and as a result of poor physical health, I resigned from the committee entirely. Some effort was put in by the committee and as a result a very good presentation dance was held at the Greek Plough. Also during this year I found a team to play for (Prince's Men) where I could actually get a game, although a scratch team at the start of the season we managed to win our division.

2005 season...
Division 'A' is a harder place to compete in than the lower divisions, but the Prince's Men enjoyed their single season stay. We still managed to become runners up in the plate competition.

2006 season...
Still basically the same team, but now playing from the 'Top House' as the Top House Beginners, we enjoyed our third season together and managed to win the division again... We will be a little better experianced and better prepared for combat in the 'A' Division during 2007.

 Written... May 2000, Revised... 04 June 2001, Further revised... 23 January 2002, Revised... 08/12 October 2002, Revised... 12 March 2003, Revised... 16 April 2003, Revised... 02 September 2003, Upgraded... 15 December 2004, Re Coded... 16 December 2004, Further Upgraded... 31 October 2006,
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