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The 1990 Pétanque Leage

Pétanque Rules as applicable to 1990 Pétanque League 2003 Season

COMMENTS in RED Characters are DAVE CUSHMAN'S OPINIONS only and are not endorsed by the League Committee!

These rules are as amended by the (Link)2003 AGM on 18th March 2003.

Rule 1.
The name of the league shall be "THE 1990 PÉTANQUE LEAGUE", with the inclusion of a sponsors name if appropriate.

Rule 2.
a) To be by it's own committee consisting of one representative only from each member club. Five of said members being elected to the executive posts of :- Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Fixture Secretary, as well as two non-executive posts of auditors, at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held in MARCH each year.

b) Committee meetings to take place once a month at the VENUES LISTED on the DATES FOR YOUR DIARY PAGE. in The 1990 Pétanque League Annual Fixture & Rule Booklet. Meetings to commence at 8.00 p.m.. A quorum to consist of five members, three of which must be executive officers. The decision of the committee shall be final.

c) The Executive Officers may call an Executive Officers Meeting (EOM) when all executive offices agree it would be to the detriment of 'The 1990 Pétanque League' to delay any matter until the next Scheduled committee meeting. A quorum to consist of all executive officers. The decision of the Executive Officers shall be final.

Rule 3.
a) Clubs may register with the B.P.A., but such registration is not essential.

b) All clubs must have their playing venue situated within a 15 1/2 mile radius of the CARINGTON ARMS at ASHBY FOLVILLE.

Rule 4.
a) Any team wishing to join the league shall apply to register with the League Secretary before or at the Annual General Meeting OR at a meeting designated for registration. The 1990 Pétanque League or its Executive Officers reserve the right to refuse any application for registration.

b) There will be an annual team membership fee, (£36.00 per team AGM 2002). This fee shall cover automatic registration with the league Insurance Policy. No additional fee is required for this facility, but ALL TEAMS SHALL KEEP A LIST OF PLAYING MEMBERS. A sheet IS PROVIDED in The 1990 Pétanque League Annual Fixture & Rule Booklet.

c) All members are required to read 'The 1990 Pétanque League Rules' and abide by them without exception. These rules shall be included in the 'The 1990 Pétanque League Annual Fixture & Rule Booklet' a copy of which will be distributed to each TEAM CONTACT prior to the start of the current season. It is prudent for each team captain to photocopy the rules pages and the fixture list, so that they may be distributed to all team members.

d) The Captain of a team shall be deemed the contact for that team and shall furnish the league with his/her address (including postcode) and telephone number. If this is impracticable then the captain may delegate another person from their team, with their permission, to be the contact.

e) The name, address and telephone number of the proprietor of the establishment from which a team plays may not be utilised as the team contact, unless he/she is a regular member of that team, and is prepared to be the contact for that team only.

f) The name, address and telephone number of the establishment from which a team plays shall be supplied to the league for use as an 'emergency' or 'last minute' contact only.

Rule 5.
a) If any club has to change venues and they move en bloc, then each team within that club will retain their league and division status.

b) If any club has to change venues and their is a split in the membership, then the majority of members will retain their league and division status.

c) If any club decides to change venue, with just one member remaining at the original venue, then that member retains the league and division status of the club.

d) Any variation of these points must be referred back to the committee.

Rule 6

Rule 6 (a)   (for season 2002 as per AGM 2001.)(link)
The league shall consist of a 'Premier', (eight teams) and an 'A division' (eight teams), and any other divisions to be made up as per Rule 7.

Premier Division:-
The Premier division shall comprise of teams being promoted from or relegated to Division 'A'. The number of teams being promoted or relegated will be dependent upon the number of divisions in the league.

Division 'A':- To be made up of the divisional winners from the previous year and those relegated from the 'Premier Division' regardless of the geography. The remainder of this division to be made up as far as possible with the runners up from the previous year.

Rule 6 (b)
All other divisions to have equal status, the difference between divisions to be geographical zoning to reduce traveling. (However clubs with more than one team may express a preference to be in the same or a different division, except for Division 'A' and 'Premier Division'.)

Rule 7.
Each division of the league shall be made up of a minimum of five teams. Eight teams to be the norm if practicable.

a) In divisions of 7 or 8 teams, each team will play its opponents twice, home and away.

b) In divisions of 5 or 6 teams, each team will play its opponents three times, home, away and pot luck.

c) The official final date of the season shall be decided according to fixtures and recorded in Rule 13 (b).

d) There will be a "Team Knockout Cup/Plate" competition involving all teams in the league regardless of division. THE RULES OF THIS COMPETITION ARE PROVIDED under Rule 20.

e) There will be "Singles", "Pairs" and "Triples" competitions. Those interested, are to enter on the sheet provided. The entrance fee is £1.50 per person per competition. The deadline for entries is ********DATE TO BE INSERTED******* Dates and venues to be decided by number of entries received. THE RULES OF THIS COMPETITION ARE PROVIDED under Rule 21.

Rule 8.
a) In each division there is a trophy for the winning team that is held by that team for the following season. There will also be a smaller replica of the winners trophy that will be permanently retained by the winning team's venue. In addition there will be medals or other mementos for the six team members. The runners up in each division will receive medals or other mementos for the six team members. A returnable trophy, winners replica trophy and six medals or mementos will also be provided for the winners of the "Knockout Cup" competition and the runners up get six medals or other mementos.

b) In addition a returnable cup, a smaller replica and six medals or mementos will be presented to the winners of the "Plate"competition and the runners up get six medals or other mementos.

c) Winners and runners up in the "Singles", "Pairs" and "Triples" competitions will receive mementos with the winners holding the returnable trophy for the following season.

d) It is the responsibility of the team to collect any trophies and/or mementos due to them.
Trophies and/or mementos will be presented at the presentation night to be organised much closer to the end of the season than previously. The presentation night will be on a Saturday and at a new venue will now be the only occasion for collection of trophies. Any trophies not collected on presentation night will be forfeit and will be recycled for subsequent seasons or disposed of as the committee deems fit.

Rule 9.
Each team will consist of TWO TRIPLES who will play their opponents two triples. Each match to consist of four legs. The first triple to 13 points in each leg to be the winner of that leg.

When a team has only FIVE players it is hoped that they will be allowed to play TWO players with THREE boule each. HOWEVER IT IS THE CAPTAINS DECISION and it remains HIS or HER RIGHT to ask you to play with TWO boule each if HE or SHE so chooses!!!!
DAVE CUSHMAN'S NOTE!... Five Boule is often a good compromise in this situation.

Rule 10.
The league will run on a points basis; teams being awarded one league point per leg won in each match. If the league points are level at the end of the season, points scored, both for and against, in all matches will be taken into account. If still level the committee will arrange a play off on a neutral track.

Rule 11.
a) Recognised members of any other WEDNESDAY league shall not take part in any Cup/Plate or Summer League game organised by "The 1990 Pétanque League".

b) For Cup / Plate competitions... See ADDITIONAL player restrictions Rule 20 (h).

Penalty for violation of this rule is: - The match to be voided and all points awarded to the opposition.

Rule 12.

12.1 LEAGUE FIXTURE MATCHES... A league fixture match may be postponed or re-arranged provided that: -

i) Twenty-four hours or greater, prior to the original fixture, the captain of the team being asked to postpone is contacted and confirms the postponement or re-arrangement. Penalty for violation of this rule is :- the match awarded to the team being asked to postpone.

ii) A result card from each team is sent on, or before, the original match night to reach the Fixtures Secretary no later than 19:30 on the Saturday following the promulgated date, annotated with who requested postponement. These cards will be entered into the Fixture Secretary's files to document the postponement.
Penalty for violation of this rule is :- the match shall be declared void.

A Cup/Plate competition match CANNOT BE POSTPONED beyond the designated date. It may, HOWEVER, be re-arranged to be played prior to the designated date provided that:-

i) The captain of the team being asked to re-arrange is contacted and confirms the re-arrangement

ii) A result card from each team is sent to reach the Fixtures Secretary within 72 hrs. of the re-arranged date. These cards are to be annotated with the re-arranged date and the designated date.

Penalty for violation of Rule 12.2 .9(ii) : - both teams will be eliminated from the competition.

Rule 13.
a) Re-scheduling of league matches may take place at the mutual convenience of the teams concerned so long as all matches are completed by the end of the season. Any match outstanding at the end of the season shall be declared void.

b) The end of the season will be deemed to be 12:00 Midnight 7 days after (********DAY AND DATE TO BE INSERTED********)
All cards to be with the Fixtures Secretary by 7:30pm on the 10th day following the end of season date.

c) An extension of seven days to Rule 13 (b) may be granted, with the committee's PRIOR approval, for any team and their opponents if they are involved in either the Cup or Plate final competitions.

d) If a team does not turn up for a fixture, then the team innocent of causing the default will be awarded the points as if the match had been played and had been won 4 legs to nil, 52 score points to nil.

Rule 14.
a) Normal fixtures will be on Wednesday evenings. Starting time to be 7:30 p.m. unless some other starting time has been previously agreed by both team captains as per re-arranged matches Rule 12.

b) Any first half legs not commenced by 8:00 p.m. shall be forfeited by the offending triple 7 - 13.
( A leg may be commenced with two players, with the third player joining in at the start of any new end throughout the leg.)

Rule 15.
a) BOTH Team Captains shall inform the Fixtures Secretary of the result by post using the code numbered cards provided, within 72 hours of the match being played.

The penalty for no cards being received by the Fixtures Secretary by 19:30 on the Saturday following the promulgated match date will be that the match shall be declared void and all points forfeited by both teams. In extenuating circumstances the committee are empowered to re-instate the points (AGM 2003).

In the event of a match being postponed/re-arranged see Rule 12.

b) BOTH Team Captains will record on the cards provided, the FULL NAMES of players, and the POINTS SCORED in each leg, for each and every match played whether a LEAGUE FIXTURE or CUP/PLATE MATCH. Each Captain will have his card COUNTERSIGNED by the opposing Captain.

The Fixtures Secretary will now have a complete set of cards for each team so that 'end of season' disputes can be easily investigated. Your co-operation is essential to the smooth running of the league. A regular league table should now be available. Please also note that the cards for competitions other than league or cup/plate have different addresses, please ensure that you use the correct ones for each purpose.

Rule 16.
All matches are to be played under the International Rules of Pétanque as published by the British Pétanque Association with the exception of :-

Rule 2a There is no restriction on the quality of Boule i.e. 'Dog' boule may be used, but players are advised to obtain recognised competition boule.

Rule 3. Licenses need not be produced.

Rule 5. + 18 The size of piste is to be as large as possible under local conditions. Each Home Team is to mark the EXACT boundaries before the commencement of each match.

Rule 7(3). The coche is to be an acceptable distance from any boundary or obstacle, agreed by BOTH teams prior to the commencement of play.

Rule 9 (6) Local conditions apply

Rule 13b In the event of the coche leaving the playing area then the end is 'DEAD'. Boule 'in hand' do not count. Play is restarted from the OPPOSITE end NOT the original end.

Rule 32. Timing and commencement of play is to be as per RULE 14 of The 1990 Pétanque League rules.

Rule 35. In the event of inclement weather conditions play may be temporarily suspended by agreement of both captains.

Rule 37. See Rule 18 of The 1990 Pétanque League rules.

Code of Behaviour for Players. See; Rule 22. The 1990 Pétanque League Code of Behaviour for Players

Rule 17.
a) If any team breaks any of the rules which carry a fixed penalty, the committee shall decide fault. No alteration of the penalty shall be made.

b) If any team breaks any of the rules which carry no fixed penalty, the committee shall decide on (1) fault and (2) any penalty.

Rule 18.
a) In the event of a team or individual player having a grievance against another team, or evidence of rule breaking, this must be notified to the League Secretary within one week of the event. There will be no acceptance of complaints after this time.

b) Any specific complaint, grievance and/or appeal may be heard, and decided upon, by the executive officers in the event of a:-

i) A quorum not being attained at a particular Committee Meeting.

ii) It is agreed by all executive officers that it would be to the detriment of the 'The 1990 Pétanque League' to delay a hearing until the next designated committee meeting. It will then be dealt with under Rule 2 (c) EOM.

Rule 19.
a) Any amendments of the rules of the league can only be approved at an Annual General Meeting (AGM), or Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).

b) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by :- (1) A majority of the committee, or (2) at the request of two or more clubs; giving a minimum of 28 days notice from posting, the intent to convene a EGM, to all clubs.

c) An AGM will be held on the first Tuesday in March each year. This will be 'Signing On' night.

d) Trophies will be presented at a Presentation Night, to be organised close to (AGM 2003) the end of each season on a Saturday.

Rule 20.
a) All rounds will normally take place on Wednesday nights on the dates designated in the fixtures list. These matches CANNOT BE POSTPONED beyond that date, but may, with both captains agreement, be played prior to the designated date as per Rule 12.2

b) The match shall be played to The 1990 Pétanque League General Playing rules, and results recorded and posted in the normal way as per Rule 15.

Penalty for not adhering to Rule 15. Both teams will be eliminated from the competition.

c) In the events of a tied match i.e. 2-2, 37 points - 37 points, then the last leg to finish will play one extra end and the score of that end added to the last leg i.e. TWO POINTS SCORED RESULT WILL BE RECORDED 15-7.

d) Failure to play the extra end will result in the match being awarded to the away team.

e) Any team not arriving to play in a cup or plate fixture will be eliminated from the competition.

f) Any team not arriving for a Cup or Plate Final will be eliminated from the competition the following season.

g) The committee shall decide the venue for the finals.

h) A team shall be deemed a sole entity, and to this end, any recognised member who plays for one team in the 'Cup or Plate competition' shall be ineligible to play for another team in either of the competitions.

Penalty for violation of Rule 20(h) is: - The match to be awarded to the team innocent of the violation.

a) All rounds will normally take place on Tuesday nights at 7:30 pm on or before the final date as designated for that round. These matches CANNOT BE POSTPONED beyond the designated final date. The matches may be played on any day and at any time convenient to both teams by prior mutual agreement.

Penalty for not adhering to Rule 21 (a) (i.e. match played after the final date):- Both teams will be eliminated from that competition.

b) The match shall be played to The 1990 Pétanque League General Playing rules.

c) The Single, Doubles Mixed Doubles and Triples competitions will be administered by a Competition Organiser.

d) Two result cards (one from each team) are to be received by the Competition Organiser 72 hours following the date of the match. These cards are to be annotated with the re-arranged date (if applicable) and the designated last date.

Penalty for not adhering to Rule 21 (d) (i.e. cards not received within 72 hours):- Both teams will be eliminated from that competition.

e) All matches to be the best of three legs

f) NO SUBSTITUTION of a registered player or players of a Single, Doubles, Mixed Doubles or Triples entry is allowed.

Penalty for violation of Rule 21(f) is:- The offending team will be eliminated from that competition.

g) Any player or team not arriving to play in a Single, Doubles, Mixed Doubles or Triples fixture will be eliminated from that competition.

h) Any team not arriving for a Single, Doubles, Mixed Doubles or Triples final will be eliminated from that competition the following season.

i) The committee shall decide the venue and date for the finals.

j) The CONTACT for the league team shall be considered the CONTACT for any players entering the single, doubles, mixed doubles or triples competitions from their team unless otherwise stated on the competition entry form. This CONTACT IS RESPONSIBLE for making prior alternative arrangements with the Competition Organiser and his or her team members for any period he or she may be away, (for holidays etc.) when he or she will be unable to receive or inform his or her players of any relevant competition round draws.

Failure to comply could mean their players being eliminated from the competitions due to them not being aware of the relevant round draws.

k) All entrants to the competitions must provide their own telephone numbers to be held by the Competition Organiser for emergency competition use only. (This information will not be held digitally)

Rule 22
During all games the players are expected:-

1/ to observe reasonable dress standards.

2/ to refrain from using foul or abusive language to other players, officials and spectators.

3/ to accept without argument the decisions of the Organising Committee or Umpire/s of the day.

4/ to refrain from drinking alcohol to excess for the duration of the match or competition.

5/ to ensure that no containers, glass or other items (e.g. Boule bags), are on the terrain during play.

6/ to play and abide by the rules of the game as per The 1990 Pétanque League Rules or as instructed by the Organising Committee or Umpire/s of the day.

7/ to ensure that supporters and/or family or friends do not encroach on to the terrain or allow any pets (dogs etc.) to do so during play.

Any player reported to the committee, who is found to be in breach of the Code of Behaviour for Players by the committee, will be considered to be guilty of improper behaviour and will be liable to such penalties the committee may deem fit.

These penalties may range from a warning to expulsion from the league dependent on the severity and repetition of the offence

Written... 19 March 2003, Upgraded... 24 December 2004,

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