B.A.D.A.R.C Rally List Harrison Electronics List RSARS Rally Calendar Ted, G4JKQ's Rally List G7PHH's Rally List PW Rally List The Salopian Web |
Radio Rallies and ShowsA compilation of notices and links for rallies, meetings, lectures and other ham radio events. The links at left are to other compilations of rally dates and events. Check with rally organisers before travelling ! (Some of these lists are not up to date.) Please Copy and distribute this information as freely and widely as you believe will help others (no permission needed). |
Year 2006 |
February | 2006 |
Sunday 12th... Northern Cross Radio Rally |
March | 2006 |
April | 2006 |
May | 2006 |
June | 2006 |
Sunday 4th June... |
Sunday 11th June... |
July | 2006 |
August | 2006 |
September | 2006 |
Friday 8 and Saturday 9 September 2006... 'Probably' the biggest and best 'rally' in the UK. |
Sunday 10th September... | Website |
October | 2006 |
Sunday 15th October... |
Hornsea Amateur Radio Club annual amateur radio rally
Sunday 15th October... |
Sunday 22nd
Details... Jim GM7LUN on 01896 850245 or
gm7lun@qsl.net |
November | 2006 |
Sunday 19th November
Details... Andy Jackson G8JAC |
Year 2007 |
February | 2007 |
11th February 2007... |
May | 2007 |
Sunday May 6th... |
June | 2007 |
Sunday 17th June, from 9.30am... |
September | 2007 |
Second Rally at new site |
Out of Date Entries |
Left on the page for map details only, date details or contact details may be wrong.
Sunday 13th July 2003 10:30 am until 4:30pm... The Northampton Radio Club will be holding a Radio, Electronics and Computer Fair at Northampton County Cricket Ground (Wantage Road) in Northampton town. (Entrance is in Abington Ave.) RSGB book stall, Bring and buy, morse testing on demand, talk in station, 500 secure parking spaces, professionally catered snack bar and licensed bar. Any questions please Email Andy (M3AMF) or phone on 07970 187529 |
Email your event and it can be included |