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G8MZY Ham Radio Pages

  G8MZY Diamond badge  

This section of my website is full of Jargon, If you do not understand such shorthand, or maybe you have come here in error:-

Please use the 'Subject Index' button to escape to whatever you consider to be normality.

Throughout the rest of these radio pages the G8MZY button will return you to this Ham Radio "Home" page.

  G8MZY was chosen for the legend of this button, because it also represents the station or shack as well as the 'on air' call sign.

I am VHF, UHF, SHF, & Microwave fanatic

QTH= U.K. Midlands at:-

Hatfield Terrace,   50 St. Peter's Street
SYSTON,   Leicestershire,   LE7 1HJ

I became interested in radio at a very early age (5 or 6 years old) There several reasons for that...

Although my father was a carpenter and joiner by trade he had been interested in radio from an early age himself. He had a few books and magazines, but in 1938 he joined the RAF. Whilst in the RAF he was an airframe fitter and had little contact with radio, but still had an interest. After WWII he married my mother and times were too frugal to indulge in radio. As a child I was fascinated by his books and read them avidly.

Licence extract   The second reason... One of my mother's school friends had married an ex RAF navigator who was a short wave listener studying for his RAE (he later became G3MCP) and so I was exposed to a little stimulation from this source as well.

There was another reason still and that was a shop known as 'Amateurs Paradise' which sold secondhand radio bits and government surplus.

An extract from my licence is illustrated at left.

Written... April/May 2001, Revised... 03 December 2001, Revised... 15 April 2002, Revised... 30 August 2002, Revised... 02 February 2003, Revised... 09 September 2003, Upgraded... 18 September 2004, Modified... 19 September 2004, Regraded... 23 January 2005, Code Tweak... 01 April 2005, Revised... 02 JMarch 2009,
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