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Leicestershire Repeater Group

Leicestershire Repeater Group Logo

The LRG and it's repeater GB3LE featured quite strongly in my life at the time that it came "on air" (which was not long after I was licenced). The logo shown at left was originally on the front cover of LENS (LE News Sheet) that was our newsletter at the time.

We had been refused permission for the two metre repeater GB3CF (Charnwood Forest) and so a 70 centimetre proposal was made and eventually granted.

Charlie Fox was next, followed closely by GB3LEX our 10 GHz Beacon. Due to business and domestic commitments I dropped out of the LRG committee and active participation at about that period in time.

The Leicester Repeater Group was formed on 21st March 1976. Membership of the group is open to any individual interested in amateur radio, on payment of a subscription as determined by the members at an annual general meeting. The aim of the group is to promote the interests of amateur radio, and in particular to design, build and maintain electronic apparatus known as repeaters, and kindred equipment.

Revised... 08 November 2001, Revised... 10 Sept 2002, Revised... 09 October 2003, Upgraded... 23 January 2005, Further Upgraded... 01 April 2005,
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