How it all began
That Sunday Afternoon
GB3LE 25 Years
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Articles from LENS, the News Sheet of the Leicestershire Repeater Group

Leicestershire Repeater Group Logo

The logo shown at left was originally on the front cover of LENS (LE News Sheet) and other LRG documents. The Logo was designed by Stuart Bradshaw, G8GMB... The layout of LENS was due to Jack Bennett, G3PVG.

I am no longer a member of the LRG, and I do not represent it. The views on these pages are my own, they are, in general, sympathetic to the group.

The articles are attributed to their respective authors and are reproduced here as a matter of historic record.

I hope, that in time, the articles will grow in number, but I also expect that the pace of development will be slow.

Page Written... May 2001, Revised... 03 December 2001, Revised... 10 September 2002, Upgraded... 06 April 2005,
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