David A. Cushman logo  


Dave Cushman died on 22nd February 2011 and shortly before he died he asked me to take over his websites. I later learnt he bequeathed them to me. I am a beekeeper and we discussed the future of the beekeeping website with Dave telling me I could develop it how I wished. He specifically asked that all non-beekeeping websites and pages stay exactly as they are and I promised I would maintain them as long as I could. I understand his reasons and will respect them, so I am unable to accept any offers of additions or updates.

Roger Patterson

Biography Help Page

My life has been hectic and full of many excesses, I have lived and loved up to the hilt. I have done more than most people could cram into ten lifetimes. I've hardly made a mark on history, but I have enjoyed myself and I hope I have enriched the life of others. Should I die tomorrow I have no regrets, and if I were to have my time again I would make all the same mistakes... Simply because any changes would alter everything and I would not be the same person that I am now.

Aged 9 from shool photo 15 years, Chickerell camp about 17 years about 18 years about 23 years about 27 years, declining health about 28 years, recovering from having been very ill with cancer about 29 years, recovery more complete
32 years of age, Gt. Dalby about 33 years of age about 35 years of age about 39 years of age Aged 41 years about 43 Years At 50 Years
Aged 53 years Aged 54 years aged 54 years of age Aged 55 years Aged 56 Years Aged 57 years Aged 58 years

This gallery is not a "police line up", but me at various ages.

This gives an insight into the manufacturing business I used to have. The logo of which is depicted at right. The logo itself was derived from the overall shape of a WBC beehive, the initial thoughts for which, occurred as the result of a traffic jam one morning on my journey to work.

  apex logo
This gives some personal information and a little personal history... There are also links to the websites of villages that are local to me.
I have started this, (but it may take some time to populate with pictures). I also have to adjust my mind to go for smaller images that are more compact and transmit faster in this medium.
A family tree page has also been started, but I have not yet sorted out how to accommodate many previous generations and side shoots. (I now have a few such ideas)

There have been many other aspects to my life that are not recorded here... They include Canoeing, Motorcycling, Motorcycle rallying, Motorcycle sprinting, Grass track racing, Moto-Cross marshaling, Motorcycle trials, Cricket, Snooker refereeing, Mountain and rock climbing and others. Maybe, if I live long enough I will be able to mention some of these items and events on this website.

Written... May 2001, Revised... 04 July 2001, Revised... 31 August 2002, New Domain... 23 October 2003, Upgraded... 22 August 2004, Additions... 22 September 2004, Revised... 22 March 2005, Revised... 19 June 2009, Revised 30-11-11,