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Patterson's Page

Library of BBKA News articles

"Patterson's Page" is an occasional feature in BBKA News, that is the monthly magazine of the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA). The first one was published in 2012.

The articles are really random thoughts that have developed during my time in beekeeping, some being right up to date, others going back many years. Topics vary considerably and are intended to be appropriate for all beekeepers, whatever their knowledge, experience or interests in the craft. I consider that observation and lateral thinking are important requirements for a beekeeper, so if I see something unusual, either inside or outside a beehive, I may take a few photos and write about it. I occasionally question some of the mainstream beekeeping teaching, which has gained me a slight reputation of being controversial. I always justify what I challenge, with perhaps an alternative or some evidence, although it may not have been gained by scientific means. When I have an idea of something to write about, I usually contact the BBKA News Editor to ask if someone else has submitted an article with similar content, or if it is acceptable. This also gives her some flexibility in planning. Occasionally after a chat, I alter the emphasis, or include some other relevant issue. In a small way, it's a working relationship, which I consider is how beekeeping should be. I always send copy to an experienced beekeeper for checking.

I believe that if you put something in the public domain, then you should be available for comments or queries. This brings emails from readers, which I always respond to. I have had several beekeepers tell me they look in each issue to see if there is a "Patterson's Page", because I write about the sort of subjects that others rarely do and they enjoy reading something different. I find that pleasing, otherwise I would be wasting my time!

I try to keep to a page, which is about 1,000 words without images. I'm not skilled at layouts, so if there are images, I need a bit of guidance on how many words to write. One "page" was so long it became three, so was called "Patterson's Pages"! This was with some advertisements to break it up a bit.

In placing past issues here, I have had permission from the BBKA News Editor, for which I'm grateful.

Roger Patterson.

Page created 02/11/2020

Page updated 11/11/2020