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Links to Beekeeping Methods and Techniques

These Links are not in any order and are either individual pages or sometimes whole suites of pages

Uniting Bees
Feeding Bees
Other Beehives
Hints and Tips

Chemical Treatments
Hive Wheelbarrow
Branding Hives
Equipment Supplies
Beekeeping Tools
Bee Breeding
Secondhand Equipment
Honey Production
Hive Preservation
British Beehives
Beekeeping Leaflets

Ventilation of Beehives
Papers and Theses
Traps and Trapping
Seeds for beekeeping
Links to Websites
Hive Securing Methods
Making Beekeeping Kit
Hive Design Parameters
Using Hive Products
Hive Preservation
Clearer or Escape Boards
Protective Clothing

Drainage of Water from Beehives
Swarming in Honey Bees
Behaviour in Honey Bees
History of Standards in Beekeeping
Perfect Sections Every Time
Education for Beekeepers
Bee Diseases and Afflictions
The Biology of the Honey Bee
The Anatomy of the Honey Bee
Beekeeper's medical problems
Insecticides & Pesticides

Most Beekeepers have their own 'pet' methods and I am no different. Please accept that I have done much research and put a great deal of thought into them. Even so, my methods may not suit everyone.

I may promote certain aspects of beekeeping, but please do not accept them as 'the definitive standard'. I have modified my ideas several times in the light of experience and new thinking. Over the last few years I have revised and down sized my physical beekeeping due to progressing disability. My 'hands on' beekeeping is coming to an end, but I shall put my mental effort into publishing many more pages on beekeeping subjects.

Please study the material that I put forward and accept or reject it according to the way it aligns with your own ideas. This is what progress is all about. The more that established thinking is challenged and discussed the more we will all ultimately know.